Mort d’un Reve: Death of a Dream

My history and first meeting with mental illness came when I was thirteen years old and I encountered abusive ballet teachers who told me to watch my weight. Thus my journey with anorexia and bulimia began and continues to this day even after I have stopped dancing. In my time at a ballet conservatory, my obsessive behaviors worsened as a close friend of mine, who also suffered from his own mental illness, tried to kill himself.

After I quit dancing and sought treatment, I realized my passion for writing about mental illness. Hence the inspiration for this piece. “Mort d’un Rêve: Death of a Dream” is about my journey through the battles of my time at the conservatory and reaching a point of recovery. My hope is that my readers will find some hope and understanding in this piece, realize that they are not alone and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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“Ballet was my first great love – the kind of love you dream about. Until it wasn’t..”


Photo Journalism


Graphic Design